

【Error Handling】How to Deal with When freezed.dart is Not Generated!

When designing immutable classes using freezed, even if you run "flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs" in the terminal, sometimes the ClassName.freezed.dart file is not automatically generated. Here’s how to handle it.I will introduce the solution I found. I hope it helps you.

【Local DB】Convenient and Fast! An Overview and How to Use Isar Database!!

Isar Database is a fast cross-platform database for Flutter. It is a local DB that is used when you have data that you want to store permanently in your application. There are a variety of local DB packages available, but in this article, we will introduce a fast local DB package called "Isar Database".

[Basic] How to Use StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget!

This time, I will explain the overview and usage of StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget, which are the basis of screen images in Flutter. In an application, state management is almost always necessary, but because it is a client concept, it may be a little difficult for newcomers to understand.